Today we leave Mateti and drive 5-hours back to Panama City.
About half way we stop for birding at the private San Francisco Reserve, one of the last remnants of lowland rainforest found near the Pan-American Highway. This reserve has an enormous diversity of birdlife, with habitats ranging from open fields and farmlands to ponds, primary, secondary and riparian forest.
Here we search for Yellow-green tyrannulet, White-fronted nunbird, Blue cotinga and Barred Puffbird. You can also hope to see South American specialties such as the Red-billed scythebill, Rufous-winged antwren, Orange-crowned oriole, White-eared conebill and Spot-breasted woodpecker. You may also see uncommon lowland humid forest species such as the Black-headed tody-flycatcher, Speckled mourner, Great jacamar, Royal flycatcher and rarities such as the Black-crowned antpitta, Wing-banded antbird, Black-faced antthrush, Black-headed antthrush and Streak-chested antpitta.
You can also hope to see the Scaly-breasted hummingbird, Sooty-headed tyrannulet, Unicolored becard, Western sirystes, Golden-headed manakin, Red-capped manakin, Thrush-like schiffornis, Mealy parrot, Brown-hooded parrot, Blue-headed parrot, Yellow-eared toucanet, Keel-billed toucan, Golden-hooded tanager, Sulphur-rumped tanager, Dusky-faced tanager, Rufous mourner, Rufous piha and Spot-crowned barbet.
Afterwards we stop for lunch at nearby Tortí, where hummingbird feeders regularly produce the Long-billed starthroat, Black-throated mango, Sapphire-throated hummingbird, Stripe-throated hermit, Green hermit, Garden emerald and more. We then continue our drive to Panama City.