Today we drive to Valparaiso harbour for an unforgettable boat trip to the cold and productive waters of the Humboldt Current, considered one of the world's finest pelagic birding destinations.
During this 6-hour trip, we should see a great variety of tubenoses (petrels), including up to six different albatross species - Black-browed, Salvin's, Buller's, Chatham, Wandering (Antipodean) and both northern and southern Royal albatrosses.
We also hope to find southern and northern Giant petrels, Pintado, Masatierra, White-chinned and Westland petrels, Pink-footed, Buller's and Sooty shearwaters, Wilson's storm petrels and Peruvian diving petrels. Other seabirds we may encounter include the Red phalarope, Sabine's gull and Chilean skua. There are good chances of seeing cetaceans, although they are always difficult to predict. In these waters we can also hope to see Dusky dolphins, Southern right whale dolphins and Orcas.
In the afternoon we head to Cachagua on the rocky coast north of Valparaiso, where we visit a protected breeding colony of endangered Humboldt penguins. The endemic Seaside cinclode and the delightful Marine otter are other possible sightings here.
Before ending the day and returning to Viña Del Mar, we stop in a coastal marsh to see a variety of waterfowl including the Red shoveler, Yellow-billed pintail, Speckled teal, Chiloe wigeon, Spot-flanked gallinule and Plumbeous rail, which is surprisingly quite easy to spot as it often walks in the open. We also hope to see all three lowland Coot species (Red-gartered, White-winged and Red-fronted). Both lunch and dinner are included today.