Today enjoy morning and afternoon birding excursions with your guide around your lodge in Tapirai.
The most frequent visitors to the feeders are the Black jacobin, Rufous-breasted hermit, Scale-throated hermit, Brazilian ruby, Violet-capped woodnymph, Sombre hummingbird, Green-billed toucan, Spot-billed toucanet, Saffron toucanet, Yellow-fronted woodpecker, Blond-crested woodpecker, Plain parakeet, Maroon-bellied parakeet, Rufous-bellied thrush, Chestnut-bellied euphonia, Golden-winged cacique, Red-rumped cacique, Olive-green tanager, Blue dacnis, Black-throated grosbeak, Bananaquit, Black-goggled tanager, Ruby-crowned tanager, Magpie tanager, Azure-shouldered tanager, Golden-chevroned tanager and Green-headed tanager.
In the hide the most common visitors are the Gray-fronted dove, Brown tinamou, Slaty-breasted wood rail, Half-collared sparrow and Ruddy quail-dove.